Project Structure

Modern integrated fishing environment that encompasses WASH, affluent treatment, value addition plant, affordable housing and transport & infrastructure development

Overall Goal

Conservation and balance of marine ecosystem

Implementation period/Schedule

  • Financing: 6 Months
  • Pre-Construction: 12 Months
  • Construction: 2 years 

Geographical Coverage

  • Bwerenga, Entebbe along L. Victoria shores in Wakiso district 


• Total Cost US$: 1.5 billion

Specific Objectives 

  • To develop aquaculture & apiculture farming system
  • To develop a resource Centre for fishmongers and marine population
  • To articulate ethical fishing methods
  • To develop water transport i.e., a jetty
  • To develop affordable housing for the fishmongers
  • To provide ready and consistent market for fish and fish products

Expected Outputs

  • 50 million fish fingerlings of endangered species replanted into thelake in 5 years
  • Over 50 million fish sold annually
  • Clean water provision
  • Increased food security
  • Improved water & land transport
  • 1,000 fishmongers provided with affordable housing