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BRM Foundation

BRM foundation is committed to improving the livelihoods and communities of the vulnerable segments of people living in the urban slums of Kampala and rural areas through compassionate initiatives that extend and embrace hope.

Who We Are

Our Background

Uganda is deeply faced with disparities and inequalities which have left so many struggling for the past three decades and Living within the urban slums of Uganda can be very dynamic and it takes a toll on especially the most vulnerable segments of the society; the minors, the elderly the less privileged widows and single mothers. Almost half of Uganda’s population is children from the ages of 0 to 14 at 46% of the general population, representing one of the youngest populations in the world (World Bank, 2021).

With almost 80 percent of the population living in rural areas, rampant poverty and lack of access to resources have serious consequences which oblige many parents to restrict their children from attending school for them to work full time and contribute financially to the family, work in conflict zones, or marry at a very young age which are all very dangerous for the child.  Although there have been additional efforts to ease and better children’s lives such as programs and legislation to increase school enrollment, decrease maternal mortality and adopt the Children Amendment Act, many children still cannot get the full benefits of these: many cannot get adequate health care, education, or social care and are subject to increasing amounts of violence and harmful traditional practices (UNICEF, 2017)

Additionally, according to statistics published by Aaron O’ Neil on July 21, 2023, 1.68% of Uganda’s population is elderly above 65 years majority of which are vulnerable and suffer chronic poverty. The world’s population is steadily ageing and in the next 30 years, the number of persons aged 60 years and above is projected to cross 6 million in Uganda. There are, however, a number of challenges facing the current generation of older people, the majority of whom live in rural areas: widespread illiteracy, landlessness, food insecurity, poor health, neglect and abuse by younger generations.

We have found ourselves riddled with majorities of people who are uneducated, unemployed, malnourished, and homeless, exposed to abuse and have no access to quality medical care services.

These are basic needs which every human being should be able to access in a growing economy such as ours but the reality is the reverse.

BRM foundations believes that it is our responsibility to contribute in creative and innovative ways by helping the helpless to address the root causes of these inequalities in order to bring effective and lasting change by creating a nurturing environment that transcends socio-economic barriers.

Our Values


  1. Compassion:-Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards the needs and challenges of individuals and communities.
  2. Integrity:- Upholding ethical standards and transparency in all aspects of operations.
  3. Inclusivity:- Embracing diversity and ensuring that everyone regardless of background or race has equal access to opportunities and support.
  4. Innovation:- Seeking creative and effective solutions to address social issues and improve the impact of charitable efforts.
  5. Collaboration:- Working in partnership with other organizations, communities and stakeholders to maximize positive outcomes

Value proposition

 We are dedicated towards fostering positive change by serving the underprivileged orphans and street children, disadvantaged widows and single mothers and the elderly living within the slums of Kampala through improving access to quality education and health care, food security, training in income generating activities and promoting self-sufficiency and reliance.

 We are sustained by building relationships and networks with local partners, disciplined approach to management, and diversifying sources of funding.

Meet our Leaders

The foundation’s leaders come from a broad range of backgrounds and have a diversity of expertise and experience that spans science and technology, medicine, public policy, education, communications, law, and business. Our leaders are guided by the foundation’s mission to empower individuals, champion social justice and address pressing challenges with innovative solutions.

Bro Ronnie Makabai

Founder / Patron

Olga Oripa

President BRM (USA)

Wandera Trevor

Legal Affairs

Namanda Hajara

Human Resource

Mabberi Allen Blessings

Chief Coordinator

Atukwase Barbra

Procurement Officer

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